28th November - 194. Us, Children Of the Camp (dir. Samer Salameh, 88 mins)

6:30PM - brunei theatre, soas university, BLOOMSBURY, WC1H 0XG

The HOPING Foundation is delighted to host the closing ceremony of London’s 2018 Palestine Film Festival at the Brunei Theatre, University of London, on November 28.  There will be a screening of “Us Children of the Camp”, by Samer Salameh, followed by a panel discussion on making Palestinian refugees visible. The panel will explore the power of film as a means to show the daily reality of Palestinian refugees, explain their history, and raise awareness of how they became refugees. Speakers Samer Salameh and Bella Freud will be joined by BAFTA award-winning writer and director Peter Kosminsky, and UNRWA spokesman Chris Gunness.

The HOPING Foundation was set up in 2003 by Karma Nabulsi and Bella Freud, to support local projects for Palestinian children in refugee camps across the Middle East. The Foundation seeks to encourage all aspects of children’s lives through art, music, social and sporting activities; and to help with their education and health. HOPING also raises awareness about Palestinian refugees, to show young Palestinians that they are supported in Britain, and across the world.

Us Children Of The Camp Poster.PNG